Open houses still have a place in today’s real estate market. Here’s why ours are so successful.

I have agents ask me all the time about open houses and whether or not they actually work. They definitely do, because our team has been working open houses for years with great success. However, there are certain tips and strategies you need to implement to increase your chances of success with them.

Here’s an outline of my full discussion, with timestamps so you can skip around to the section(s) that interest you most:

0:45 - Why you should invite people to your open house individually and formally

1:37 -  How to make it fun for the neighbors

2:12 -  Why you need to use a lot of signs

4:22 - Tips for providing value for the open house attendees

5:55 - Why you should also follow up with more value

6:50 - Wrapping things up

As you can see, open houses work great if they’re set up properly. If you’d like to learn even more of our strategies or you have any questions at all about the business, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.