Our unique marketing strategies will ensure you get better terms.

Our slogan is “It's not the market, it's the marketing that makes the difference.” If you're thinking of selling your home, it's important to work with a marketing agent, not just a listing agent because almost any home will sell, but not every seller gets the best terms for their situation. Our marketing strategies result in more buyer traffic, demand, and competition for your listing, regardless of market conditions. We can negotiate better terms for your home sale in addition to a better price.

Terms are things like closing dates, inspection timelines, and personal property negotiations. Many sellers are concerned that they won't be able to find a good deal on a new home if they sell their current one. Every seller who has listed with us that wanted time to find their next home has gotten a deal within those timelines. Sometimes they’ve been able to stay in their home for months before having to move. We've also negotiated deals where sellers were able to take the furniture and personal items they wanted and leave everything else.

We're only able to secure these kinds of deals because our marketing creates more demand, and buyers are willing to match sellers’ terms to make the deal work and beat out the competition. What terms do you need to make your home selling process hassle-free? Let us know, and we'll employ our marketing to get those terms. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.