Here’s how we can help home sellers succeed as buyers, too.

Today I’m covering all the different options we can provide you with at Exit First Realty to help you get the most out of your home sale when you also need to make a home purchase. I’ve spoken with a lot of homeowners recently who want to capitalize on this hot seller’s market but are worried about overpaying for their next home or not even being able to find one. 

My team and I have creative marketing solutions, or exit strategies, to help our clients capitalize on the market no matter what it looks like. We’ll make sure you don’t have to move twice.

It’s best to sell high while the market is hot for sellers. The sale prices we’re seeing right now are the highest we’ve seen in a long time. If you're in the position to take advantage of a market where you can sell quickly and for top dollar, you should certainly do so.

When it comes to juggling a home sale and a home purchase, you have plenty of options. You can sell for full retail value and rent for a short period until the market cools down. You can cash in on your home’s equity by selling high, and you might be able to buy low. The downside is that mortgage rates are increasing, so your buying power might not be as strong.

We can negotiate terms to let you stay in your current home longer.”

The second option is to sell your home now and let our team work to find you an off-market deal for your next home. Our marketing strategies have helped several clients find properties that aren’t available to the general public. We can work out agreements with homeowners to purchase these homes directly and avoid bidding wars.

Another option is to let us negotiate terms with your buyer that allow you to stay in your home for a period of time until you find the next one. These terms come in the form of a rent-back agreement or delayed closing. 

We’re seeing more buyers open to this strategy in the current market. When we market your home, we’ll indicate that you need an additional 30 to 60 days in order to find your next home. A buyer will secure a purchase contract on your home now and allow you to stay in the home for that additional time, taking some of the pressure off of you. 

The bottom line is that there are plenty of exit strategies our team can provide to help you take advantage of this market. You may have the opportunity to sell high and buy low, which is rare. 

If you have any questions for us about the market or your personal situation, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.